The streets of Pune are buzzing with a powerful message as a thought-provoking street play titled “Ata Baas” takes center stage during Ganeshotsav on Bajirao Road. This play sheds light on the harsh realities of harassment, societal expectations, and the constant scrutiny faced by women in today’s society.
Through the performances of a middle-aged woman and a newly employed girl, the play offers a poignant commentary on the challenges women face in a society that is still entrenched in patriarchal norms and expectations. These themes are suggested to be at the core of the growing violence against women, sparking important conversations online about gender equality and the need for change.
In a show of solidarity, the audience at the play has taken a pledge to treat women with dignity and respect, to speak out against violence, and to never turn a blind eye to abuse. This pledge encourages citizens to actively stand up against any form of harassment or oppression they witness, creating a safer and more inclusive environment for all.
To further engage with the community, interactive games promoting gender equality are being organized at the venue, fostering meaningful discussions about the importance of equal treatment for all individuals. This initiative aims to drive home the message that everyone has a role to play in creating a more equitable society for women.
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