Pune’s very own MBA first-year student, Rohit Rajendra Wagh, is making waves in the world of shooting sports. With his recent selection to represent Pune in the upcoming All India Inter-University Shooting Competition in Chandigarh, Rohit is proving himself to be a rising star in the sport.
After securing the fourth position in the regional competition at the Balewadi Shooting Range, Rohit went on to win a bronze medal in the 50-meter category at the prestigious All India G.V. Mavalankar Shooting Competition in Chennai. Now, he is gearing up to compete in the 67th National Shooting Championship in Delhi.
Under the guidance of Shiv Chhatrapati Award winners Shivraj Sase and Savita Matane, Rohit has been honing his skills and achieving success on the shooting range. His hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed, as the founder and president of Suryadatta Education Foundation, Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya, along with Vice President Sushma Chordiya, students, teachers, and parents, have all come together to congratulate Rohit and wish him luck in the national-level competition.
Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya emphasized the importance of sports and fitness at Suryadatta Institute, highlighting the institution’s commitment to promoting sportsmanship among its students. With the support of the Suryadatta Fitness and Sports Academy and the Suryadatta International Self-Defense Academy, Rohit and other athletes at the institute are reaching new heights in their sporting endeavors.
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