In a tragic turn of events, a young man named Vishal Pramod Salvi took his own life by jumping into a river in Bopodi. The reason behind this drastic step? Threats of job termination allegedly made by his manager, Zeeshan Haider, at the private company where Vishal worked.

The incident came to light when Vishal’s sister, Preeti Amit Kamble, filed a complaint at the Khadki Police Station. According to the police, Vishal was facing constant humiliation and the threat of losing his job at the company in Yerawada where Zeeshan Haider was his manager.

Vishal, who had recently been demoted, was reportedly in a state of depression and felt like he had no other way out. Before taking his own life, Vishal shared a letter and a photo of Zeeshan Haider on social media, indicating the reasons behind his extreme step.

Preeti’s complaint states that Vishal’s suicide was a direct result of the harassment and threats he faced at work. The police are now investigating the case further to uncover the truth behind this tragic incident.

It’s always heartbreaking to hear about such incidents, and it serves as a reminder of the importance of mental health support in the workplace. Let’s hope that justice is served in this case and that measures are taken to prevent such tragedies in the future.

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