With New Year’s Eve just around the corner, Pune Traffic Police have announced temporary traffic arrangements to handle the expected surge in crowds on Mahatma Gandhi Road in Lashkar and the Deccan area. From 5 PM on December 31 until the congestion eases, various measures will be put in place to manage the increased vehicle traffic and prevent bottlenecks.
To ensure smoother traffic flow, vehicles heading towards Ferguson College Road from Kothrud or Karve Road will face restrictions at Khandoji Baba Chowk. Instead, they will be rerouted through Law College Road, Prabhat Road, and Alka Talkies Chowk. Similarly, vehicles on Jangli Maharaj Road heading towards Ferguson College Road may face blockages at Jhansi Rani Chowk and will be redirected through alternative routes.
The Mahatma Gandhi Road will also see strict traffic restrictions, with vehicles from Y Junction being rerouted towards Qureshi Masjid and Sujata Mastani Chowk. Other restrictions and diversions will be in place for traffic on various key roads in the city to ensure the smooth flow of vehicles.
In addition, Ferguson College Road and Mahatma Gandhi Road will be designated as no-vehicle zones from 5 PM on December 31 to 5 AM on January 1 to facilitate movement for pedestrians and revelers in the area.
To further alleviate traffic congestion, heavy vehicles will be banned within city limits from December 31 to January 1. Drivers are advised to use alternate routes to reach their destinations during this time.
With these measures in place, Pune Traffic Police are working to ensure a safe and smooth New Year’s Eve celebration for all residents and visitors in the city.
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