Pune: In a shocking turn of events, the traffic police in Pune have reportedly defied a recent order issued by Commissioner of Police Amitesh Kumar. Just days after the order was given, a vehicle owner was allegedly beaten up by a police constable and employees of a hired crane service.
According to reports, the incident occurred when a youth parked his car on the roadside while waiting for a friend. The traffic police arrived with a crane to tow away the car, despite the owner being present. When the youth protested, the situation escalated, with the police constable reportedly grabbing the youth by the throat.
As the confrontation continued, two accomplices of the crane crew joined in and began beating the two youths. They allegedly threatened the youths, warning them against reporting the incident to the police.
Despite the victims visiting the police station to file a complaint, authorities were reportedly reluctant to take action. The youths were allegedly told that if they filed a complaint, a counter complaint would be filed against them.
This incident has raised concerns about the behavior of the traffic police and towing contractors in Pune, with many questioning their adherence to the CP’s order to treat citizens with courtesy. It remains to be seen how authorities will address this issue and ensure the safety and rights of citizens in the city.
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