From a routine drunk driving check to a viral video scandal, the Pune city police have been making headlines recently. The Police Sub Inspector (PSI) of the traffic branch found himself in hot water after a video surfaced of him receiving a leg massage from a youth during a check in Kalyani Nagar.
The incident led to public outrage, with many questioning the officer’s conduct. DCP (Traffic) Rohidas Pawar confirmed that the PSI has been transferred to the police control room and fined Rs 5,000 as a result of the incident.
According to DCP Pawar, the officer, identified as PSI Gorade from the Yerwada Traffic Division, had been working long hours and experiencing health issues. His blood sugar level reportedly spiked to 550, causing a leg cramp during the check in Kalyani Nagar.
While some may sympathize with the officer’s health struggles, many have criticized his behavior, stating that he should not have allowed a civilian to massage his legs in public. The video of the incident quickly went viral, sparking widespread criticism and raising questions about professionalism within the police force.
As the controversy continues to unfold, it serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining professionalism and boundaries in all situations, especially when representing law enforcement. The PSI’s actions have not only landed him in trouble with his superiors but have also brought negative attention to the Pune city police.
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