The picturesque Jivdhan Fort in Junnar taluka turned into the site of a tragic incident as a young man from Pimpri met with a fatal accident. Vicky Rathod, a resident of Pimpri, lost his life after falling from a rocky patch near the Kalyan Darwaja while visiting the fort with a friend.
Rathod suffered severe injuries to his head after the fall, leading to massive bleeding and ultimately resulting in his death at the scene. The news of the unfortunate incident prompted the Shivneri Rescue Team, along with members from the Forest Department, to swiftly respond and recover Rathod’s body from the fort.
The engineering student at a college in Talegaon Dabhade, Rathod’s untimely demise has left his family and friends in shock. The community mourns the loss of a promising young individual who met his end in a tragic accident while exploring the historic Jivdhan Fort.
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