Pune kicked off January 15, 2025, with a toasty start, hitting a minimum temperature of 20.2°C and climbing up to 28.24°C by midday. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) predicts a maximum temperature of 30.96°C for the day, with cloudy skies and a 38% humidity level. Winds are blowing at 38 km/h, creating a breezy but pleasant atmosphere.
In terms of air quality, Pune’s Air Quality Index (AQI) is currently at 186.0, falling into the moderate category. While this level is not cause for immediate concern, sensitive groups like children, the elderly, and those with respiratory issues should be cautious and limit outdoor activities.
Looking ahead to January 16, temperatures are expected to drop slightly, with a minimum of 19.12°C and a maximum of 30.51°C. Humidity levels are predicted to increase to 44%, adding a touch of mugginess to the air. Residents should plan their day accordingly, especially during peak humidity hours.
For the next 7 days, the IMD forecasts fluctuating weather patterns in Pune, with varying temperatures, humidity levels, and cloud cover. It’s important for residents to stay informed with IMD reports to stay prepared for any sudden changes or weather alerts.
To sum up, January in Pune brings a mix of warmth, cloudiness, and moderate air quality. By staying up to date with weather forecasts and taking necessary precautions, residents can enjoy a comfortable and safe experience amidst the city’s dynamic weather conditions.
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