In a shocking incident in Pune, a 40-year-old woman fell victim to a cyber scam where criminals posed as Mumbai police officers. The scammers threatened her with a 20-year imprisonment, claiming that LSD strips were found in a parcel allegedly sent by her to Iran. Exploiting her fear, they managed to secure an instant loan of Rs 20 lakh in her name and quickly transferred the funds.

The victim, who works at a talent acquisition firm, immediately filed an FIR at the Warje Malwadi police station. The scam began when she received a call from someone pretending to be a courier company representative. She was falsely informed that her Aadhaar card had been used to send a parcel to Iran, which was seized for containing expired passports, credit cards, and LSD strips. The caller then instructed her to contact the Andheri police in Mumbai.

During a video call, a man posing as a Mumbai police officer warned her about the severe consequences she would face, including a lengthy prison sentence and asset seizure. Under immense pressure, she shared her bank details and even displayed her Aadhaar card on camera. Shortly after, she received a notification of Rs 20 lakh being deposited into her account. The imposter officer claimed this transfer was for verification purposes and instructed her to move the money to another account.

Upon realizing that the Rs 20 lakh was actually an instant loan taken out in her name, the victim promptly reported the incident to the cyber crime police in Pune. After an initial investigation, the case was transferred to the Warje Malwadi police station for further action. The authorities are now working to track down the scammers and bring them to justice.

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