In a shocking incident, a woman from Magarpatta fell prey to cyber fraud and lost a whopping ₹5.9 lakh to scammers pretending to be officials from the National Investigation Agency (NIA). It all started when she received a call from someone claiming to be an NIA officer from New Delhi, who accused her of being involved in money laundering through multiple bank accounts opened using her Aadhaar details.

Fearing arrest, the woman was coerced into transferring the large sum of money to a bank account for “verification purposes”. The scammer assured her that everything would be sorted out after the payment, but then conveniently disappeared after receiving the funds.

The victim, who works at a private firm, finally decided to report the incident to the Hadapsar police on Thursday. The police have since registered a case of cheating and are currently investigating the matter to bring the culprits to justice.

This serves as a stark reminder to always be cautious when dealing with unsolicited calls or messages asking for personal or financial information. It’s important to verify the legitimacy of such claims before taking any action to avoid falling victim to such scams. Stay safe, stay vigilant.

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