In a heartwarming turn of events, a chance photograph of Priti Mohite, a 28-year-old housekeeping staff member from Pune, has taken the internet by storm. The image captured Mohite engrossed in Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s biography at a book fair, sparking a wave of attention and support for her.

Despite dropping out of school after the fifth grade, Mohite found herself drawn to the book “Jag Badalnara Baap Manus” at the Pune Book Festival. Author Jagdish Ohol happened to capture the moment on camera, leading to the photo going viral on social media platforms.

The viral photo not only brought Mohite widespread recognition but also earned her several gifts, including books and a Paithani saree. At the launch of the book’s 30th edition, Mohite was honored with the “Bapmaanus Special Reader Award” and received financial assistance for her daughter’s education.

As a single mother residing in Pune’s Bibvewadi area, Mohite remains committed to providing a better future for her five-year-old daughter despite facing financial challenges. She expressed her determination to ensure her daughter has opportunities she didn’t due to a lack of education.

The incident has sparked discussions on the power of education and the lasting influence of Dr. Ambedkar’s legacy. Author Jagdish Ohol highlighted the significance of such moments, emphasizing the importance of nurturing a reading culture to empower individuals like Mohite.

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