Katraj, a bustling area in Pune, was recently the scene of a cybercrime incident that left a youth poorer by ₹20.9 lakh. The victim, a resident of the Bharati Vidyapeeth locality, was targeted by scammers posing as officials from the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB). The fraudsters threatened the youth with legal action in a fabricated drug case, forcing him to transfer a substantial amount of money to avoid arrest.

The ordeal began on October 29 when the cyber thieves contacted the victim and claimed he was under investigation for drug-related activities. Fearing the consequences, the youth complied with their demands and transferred the money in multiple installments to the bank accounts provided by the scammers. However, when the fraudsters contacted him again, the victim grew suspicious and realized he had been deceived.

In a brave move, the youth approached the Bharati Vidyapeeth police station and lodged a complaint. The case is now being investigated by Police Inspector Sangita Devkate from the Crime Branch. This incident serves as a reminder of the increasing prevalence of cyber fraud, with scammers using fear tactics to exploit unsuspecting individuals.

In a separate incident, two individuals, including a woman, were swindled out of ₹29 lakh in stock market investment scams. The victims, one from Pashan and the other from Aundh, were promised high returns on their investments but ended up losing a significant amount of money.

These cases shed light on the growing threat of cybercrime in Pune and emphasize the importance of vigilance when dealing with financial transactions. The police have advised the public to be cautious, avoid sharing sensitive information, and verify the legitimacy of any requests or threats they receive. Stay safe and stay alert, Pune!

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