As the tragic Porsche incident in Kalyani Nagar continues to make headlines, the spotlight is now on the family of the minor boy involved. With a history of controversies and allegations, the family’s construction business is under scrutiny. Established by the accused minor’s great-grandfather in the 1980s, the company has grown to a valuation of Rs 5 to 6 billion today, making them prominent developers in Pune.
Originally known for constructing 5-star clubs, the family’s business expanded into residential projects in the 2000s, with developments in Kalyani Nagar and Wagholi. However, recent events have brought attention to a division within the company in the past, leading to diversified projects and a focus on infrastructure development.
In the aftermath of the car accident, the family’s businesses have faced public scrutiny, prompting other entities associated with them to distance themselves through press releases. Currently involved in commercial projects in Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad, the family recently completed a significant land transaction in Wagholi. However, their online presence, including their website and LinkedIn profile, has been deactivated following the incident.
The family has not been without controversy, with allegations of ties to the underworld and an attempted murder plot against a former Shiv Sena corporator involving the minor’s grandfather. Despite accusations of land grabbing, the family’s legal representatives maintain their innocence, pointing to past incidents where they were exonerated.
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