In a major win for Pune’s heritage, the Pune Municipal Corporation has given the green light for the construction of a majestic canopy over the statue of Dharmaveer Chhatrapati Shri Sambhaji Maharaj at Deccan Gymkhana. This decision comes after years of requests from local groups eager to honor the legacy of this revered historical figure.
Here are the key details of the project:
1. Budget and Timeline: The project is slated to cost ₹47.27 lakh and is expected to be finished within three months.
2. Enhancing Aesthetics: The canopy will not only shield the life-sized statue from the elements but will also add to its visual appeal, making it a prominent landmark in the area.
3. Design and Construction: The statue will be encircled by a stone masonry platform, creating a dignified space for citizens to gather and pay their respects. The canopy will be crafted from durable polyester resin, ensuring its longevity and adding to the statue’s grandeur. Beautification efforts around the site aim to elevate its importance and enhance the visitor experience.
4. Tender Process and Oversight: After receiving three bids for the project, the lowest bid, which was 5.5% below the initial estimate, was accepted by Municipal Commissioner Dr. Rajendra Bhosale during a recent Standing Committee meeting. Executive Engineer Virendra Kelkar is leading the project and stated, “The work includes the construction of the Meghadambari, stairs, and platform around the statue. The total cost is estimated at ₹47.27 lakh, and we are striving to complete the project within three months.”
This development is a testament to the community’s dedication to preserving and celebrating its rich heritage, and the canopy is sure to become a focal point for locals and tourists alike.
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