In a heartwarming celebration of impactful social work, two Pune-based organizations, Kam Foundation and Kranti, have been honored with the prestigious Bridgestone Mobility Social Impact Awards (MSIA). These awards are a testament to the incredible efforts of these organizations in uplifting vulnerable communities through sustainable employment and empowerment initiatives.
The Bridgestone Mobility Social Impact Awards, presented by Bridgestone India, recognize organizations that are dedicated to addressing critical societal challenges and promoting social development. This year marks the fourth edition of the awards, which aim to shed light on the important role that social organizations play in improving the lives of underprivileged communities.
Kam Foundation was awarded for their innovative project, “Sustainable Employment in Clean Environments,” which focuses on improving the working conditions of sanitation workers. This project has positively impacted 50 sanitation workers by providing them with better working conditions, safety equipment, medical benefits, and professional training. The initiative has not only increased their monthly income but has also improved the quality of life for their families.
Kranti, the runner-up, was recognized for their project, “Empowerment of Marginalized Women and Girls,” which provides support services to women and girls who have experienced gender-based violence and caste discrimination. The organization offers legal aid, counseling, court representation, and educational opportunities, benefiting nearly 7,700 individuals.
During the award ceremony, Smita Singh, CEO of Kam Foundation, highlighted the importance of their work in ensuring the safety, dignity, and financial independence of sanitation workers. Sunita Eknath Bhosale, President of Kranti, expressed gratitude for the acknowledgment and reaffirmed their commitment to supporting vulnerable communities.
These awards serve as a reminder of the incredible impact that social organizations can have on society and the importance of recognizing and celebrating their efforts.
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