1. PCMC Commissioner Shekhar Singh spoke at an event highlighting the success of the vehicle-free weekend in Pimpri Market.
  2. He emphasized the need for community support for such initiatives and assured that the process would be consultative.
  3. Police Inspector Varsharani Patil mentioned the extensive planning done by PCMC and Traffic Police teams to manage traffic flow and engage shopkeepers.
  4. Shopkeepers reported a 20% increase in new customers during the vehicle-free weekend, attributing it to the removal of noise, air pollution, and traffic congestion.
  5. Citizen representative Daboo Aswani expressed optimism about the initiative, stating that a pedestrian-friendly market can make shopping a more enjoyable experience.
  6. Pranjal Kulkarni from ITDP India highlighted the importance of catering to people, not vehicles, for the success of markets.
  7. Urban designer Prasanna Desai reassured traders that pedestrian zones in commercial areas can enhance shopping experiences.
  8. Actor Abhidnya Bhave emphasized the safety benefits of pedestrian-friendly markets, particularly for women.
  9. Urban designer Ashik Jain presented designs used in the trial and outlined the impact assessment studies underway.
  10. Residents voiced their support for the vehicle-free initiative at the interactive session, while also raising concerns about parking and traffic congestion in other parts of the city.

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