Pune-based Punit Balan Group (PBG) has stepped up to support the police officers and personnel who will be on duty during the upcoming Ashadhi Wari in Pandharpur. A total of 8,000 kits of essentials will be distributed, with 6,000 going to male cops and 2,000 to female cops.
The kits, which include items like glucose powder, masks, biscuits, toothpaste, chikki, and sanitary pads, are meant to help the officers during their eight-day deployment in Pandharpur. This initiative comes as lakhs of warkaris are expected to visit the town for the Ashadhi Ekadashi celebrations on July 17.
Dr. Arjun Bhosale, SDPO of Pandharpur, reached out to Punit Balan requesting these essential kits for the police force. Balan, a young entrepreneur, immediately agreed to provide the kits, as his group had done the previous year.
In a statement, Balan expressed gratitude to the police officers for their dedication to ensuring the safety and security of the warkaris. He emphasized the importance of supporting the police force during such demanding duties and pledged to continue providing these essential kits in the future.
The distribution of the kits is a small gesture of appreciation for the hard work and dedication shown by the police officers during the Ashadhi Wari in Pandharpur.
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