Pune is buzzing with updates on the Purandar Airport project, as Minister Mohol recently announced that 99% of the technical issues have been resolved. This news comes after a series of meetings aimed at addressing challenges, with the focus now shifting to land acquisition concerns. The Minister shared this information at an event organized by the Pune Shramik Patrakar Sangh, attended by key figures in the industry.
During his address, Minister Mohol also discussed plans to elevate the Vaikuthbhai Mehta Institute in Pune to university status, emphasizing the importance of cooperation in the state. He highlighted ongoing efforts to engage with various departments to make Pune the best city in the country.
In addition to cooperative initiatives, Mohol mentioned transportation improvements in Pune, including the introduction of a six-coach train in the district. The Minister stressed the importance of collaboration among state leaders and the need for dedication in connecting with farmers.
Overall, Minister Mohol’s announcements reflect a commitment to progress and development in Pune, with a focus on addressing challenges and advancing cooperative initiatives in the region. Stay tuned for more updates on these exciting developments!
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