In a heartwarming incident in Parvati, Pune, a rickshaw driver was saved from a potentially disastrous situation thanks to the quick thinking of a young man named Amol Pardeshi. The driver, Hamir Syed, experienced a seizure while driving his auto-rickshaw with a passenger on board, causing the vehicle to swerve erratically on the road.
Amol Pardeshi, who happens to be the vice president of the youth wing of the Nationalist Congress Party in Pune, was passing by when he noticed the commotion. Without hesitation, he sprang into action and managed to stop the rickshaw before any harm could be done. He then comforted the driver until the seizure subsided and safely dropped him off at his home.
Pardeshi humbly shared that he simply followed his instincts and did what he felt was right in the moment. His quick actions not only prevented a potential road accident but also left a lasting impact on the driver, who expressed his gratitude with a smile.
This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of knowing how to handle seizures. It is crucial to remain calm, protect the person from injury, and assist them in a safe recovery. Calling emergency services for prolonged seizures or if the person does not regain consciousness is also essential. By following these guidelines, we can ensure the safety and well-being of those experiencing seizures.
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