Rahul Gandhi, the Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha, has been granted bail in a defamation case filed against him by Satyaki Savarkar, the grandnephew of Hindutva ideologue Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. The case stems from remarks made by Gandhi about Veer Savarkar during a speech in London in March 2023.

During a court hearing on Friday, Gandhi appeared via video conferencing, with his lawyer arguing that his high-security status made physical presence a financial burden on the state. The court granted him bail on a personal bond of ₹25,000 and a surety of the same amount, with the next hearing scheduled for February 18.

The use of video conferencing for Gandhi’s appearance raised controversy, with the complainant’s lawyer arguing that it is not standard practice for bail proceedings. The case also brings attention to Gandhi’s previous defamation conviction in Gujarat and his alleged pattern of making defamatory remarks.

The significance of this case lies in its implications for legal precedents, defamation laws, and political impact, as Gandhi’s legal troubles could have repercussions ahead of key elections. As the case unfolds, it is expected to draw significant public and political attention.

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