Another day, another drug bust in Pune! The Anti-Narcotics Cell of Pune Police made a big arrest on Monday in the Kondhwa area. A 52-year-old man from Rajasthan, Nathuram Jivanram Jat, was caught with a whopping 1.09 kg of opium worth a staggering ₹21.8 lakh.

It all went down when the anti-narcotics team received a tip-off and decided to patrol the Kondhwa area. That’s when they spotted Jat looking suspicious with a bag in hand. Upon inspection, they found the illegal opium hidden inside.

Jat, who hails from the Nagaur District of Rajasthan, was allegedly trying to sell the opium in Pune to make a quick buck. He used to work in the furniture industry before turning to the drug trade.

The police wasted no time in registering a case against Jat under the NDPS Act of 1985. The operation was led by Deputy Commissioner of Police Nikhil Pingle and Assistant Commissioner of Police Ganesh Ingle, along with a team of dedicated officers.

Now, the police are digging deeper to find out if Jat had already sold opium to others before getting caught. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story!

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