Residents along Sinhagad Road in Pune are fed up with the weekend traffic jams that plague the entrances to Nanded City and Nanded Phata. The narrow roads in these areas only worsen the situation, leading to frustration among commuters and locals alike. The lack of traffic police presence and the reckless driving behavior of some motorists are only adding to the chaos, prompting calls for immediate action.
Last weekend saw consecutive traffic snarls at the entrance to Nanded City, with a breakdown on Saturday evening further exacerbating the congestion. The need for effective traffic management measures is becoming increasingly urgent, as residents are left stranded in long queues of vehicles.
Nanded Phata is facing similar challenges, with the widening of roads to ease traffic congestion still pending. Heavy vehicle traffic from industrial businesses only adds to the problem, making it difficult for residents to navigate the area. While a traffic warden has been appointed, their efforts are not sufficient to address the ongoing issues, highlighting the need for the deployment of more traffic police officers.
Residents are expressing their frustration with the situation, calling for traffic police to regulate flow during peak hours and prevent obstructions. The frequent roadside parking of rickshaws and vehicles at Nanded Phata Chowk is also contributing to the problem, despite the presence of rural police wardens. The lack of clarity on road widening efforts is only adding to the uncertainty for residents.
Assistant Police Inspector Rajkumar Barde acknowledges the challenges faced in the Khadakwasla-Sinhagad area, particularly in managing the heavy tourist influx and residential traffic during peak hours. Measures will be taken to address these issues and alleviate the congestion along Sinhagad Road.
The non-functional traffic signals at the Nanded City entrance are also a cause for concern among residents, as they play a crucial role in managing traffic flow. The community is eagerly awaiting the restoration of these traffic lights to help ease the weekend traffic woes in the area.
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