The residents of Wagholi, a vibrant neighborhood in Pune, are facing a frustrating situation due to ongoing delays and lack of clarity from the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC). Despite promises from authorities, residents are still facing issues with property tax collection, highlighting systemic challenges and administrative shortcomings.

On March 8th, Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Ajit Pawar, announced a halt on property tax collection from Wagholi residents to ease their financial burden. This news initially brought hope to the community, but unfortunately, the implementation of this directive has been plagued by delays and miscommunication, leaving residents feeling let down.

Seeking answers, residents turned to Right to Information (RTI) requests for clarity on the property tax collection status. However, their efforts were met with silence and bureaucratic red tape as the PMC failed to respond in a timely manner. This lack of transparency led to further appeals and prolonged waiting periods for residents.

During scheduled hearings with PMC officials, residents represented by Team WACO faced additional frustrations as they experienced delays and disorganization. Despite being punctual, residents were left waiting for hours due to the absence of the necessary officers. Anil Kumar Mishra, the founder of Team WACO, expressed disappointment in the lack of professionalism and accountability shown by PMC officials, emphasizing the importance of efficient communication and commitment.

Further adding to the confusion, residents discovered discrepancies in the directives issued by Ajit Pawar, with PMC officials referring to verbal instructions without any written orders to support their claims. This lack of clarity only heightened residents’ frustrations and raised concerns about procedural transparency and administrative effectiveness.

In response to these ongoing challenges, residents and advocacy groups like Team WACO are demanding accountability and prompt responses from the PMC. Questions have been raised about the handling of RTI requests and the adherence to directives, highlighting the urgent need for systemic reforms and improved governance practices in Wagholi.

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