In a shocking turn of events, the Mumbai Crime Branch has uncovered a chilling plot to murder the son of a retired police officer in connection with the murder of NCP leader Baba Siddique. The accused, Rupesh Mohol and Gaurav Apune, were arrested in Pune for Siddique’s murder, but it has now been revealed that they also had plans to target the officer’s son with the help of the absconding accused, Shubham Lonkar.
The investigation revealed that Mohol and Apune suspected the officer’s son of being involved in the conspiracy to murder their friend, Jaideep Dnyaneshwar Bhondkar, in Pune’s Uttam Nagar area in September 2024. This suspicion led the Mumbai Crime Branch to alert the Uttam Nagar Police in Pune to ensure the officer’s son’s safety.
It was discovered that Bhondkar was killed by another accused, Amit Sudam Gurjar, during an argument. Gurjar allegedly lured him out of his house and fatally attacked him. The murder was said to have stemmed from a heated altercation between the two.
Following Bhondkar’s death, Mohol and Apune grew suspicious of the officer’s son and believed he had assisted Gurjar and played a role in plotting the crime. During the investigation into Siddique’s murder, the accused confessed to planning the officer’s son’s murder and had procured weapons with the help of Lonkar.
The Crime Branch seized firearms and bullets from the accused, which were allegedly intended for the murder. The accused also admitted to practicing using the weapons near Pune’s Khadakwasla Dam before attempting to carry out their plans.
A senior Crime Branch official stated that the information regarding the plot to target the officer’s son has been shared with the Uttam Nagar Police Station in Pune, and steps are being taken to safeguard the individual in question. This shocking revelation highlights the complexity of the case and the lengths to which the accused were willing to go to seek revenge.
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