The Regional Passport Office in Pune has been on a roll, distributing over 4 lakh passports recently. Dr. Arjun Deore, the Regional Passport Officer, has introduced a new provision at the PSK Pune to help process over 100 applicants daily with partially submitted applications. This new system, known as the ‘D2A2’ framework, emphasizes the importance of having all necessary documents and details in place before applying for a passport.
One of the main issues faced by the RPO is name mismatches, especially among married women in Maharashtra. To avoid any delays, applicants are urged to double-check all personal and family details across their documents before submitting their applications online.
Additionally, the RPO has warned against using privately printed “smart ID cards,” stating that only original government-issued documents will be accepted. To keep up with the increasing demand for passport services, the RPO has extended appointment slots across various centers under its jurisdiction.
With the implementation of the ‘D2A2’ framework, the RPO aims to make the passport issuance process more efficient and hassle-free for all applicants. Cheers to smoother passport applications and happy travels ahead! 🎉🌏
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