The Sadhu Vaswani Mission, headquartered in Pune, is gearing up to commemorate the 59th death anniversary of its revered founder, Sadhu Vaswani. The two-day observance will include prayers, satsangs, discourses, and acts of seva (selfless service) to honor the life and teachings of this spiritual luminary.
The program schedule for the event includes a peaceful twilight procession, a sacred fire ceremony, devotional singing sessions, and recorded talks by Sadhu Vaswani. The second day will feature another havan, satsang, a special talk by Didi Krishna Kumari, a community meal, prayers at the funeral time, a lamp procession, and a final satsang reflecting on Sadhu Vaswani’s life and teachings.
The Sadhu Vaswani Mission invites devotees and well-wishers to participate in person or virtually in these sacred observances. The live-streamed sessions will allow people from around the world to join in honoring the saint’s message of universal brotherhood, love, and compassion.
Sadhu Vaswani, a visionary spiritual leader, poet, and educationist, was known for his advocacy for social causes, particularly animal rights. He played a significant role in the Indian freedom struggle and was a pioneer in education, founding the Mira Movement for empowering the girl child. His teachings of universal love, compassion, and peace continue to inspire people of all faiths and backgrounds through the work of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission.
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