The iconic Shaniwarwada in Pune was at the center of a security scare recently when a hoax bomb threat disrupted the peaceful atmosphere of the historic monument. Visitors enjoying the beauty and heritage of the site were taken by surprise when authorities received a distressing call claiming that a bomb had been planted near the entrance, originating from Beed district.

In response to the threat, senior police officials and the bomb detection and disposal squad (BDDS) quickly took action to ensure the safety of visitors and the preservation of the monument. The area was meticulously scanned for nearly two hours to ensure the absence of any suspicious objects.

Despite the disruption caused by the hoax call, authorities remained vigilant in their pursuit of the individual responsible. Tracing the call back to its source in Beed district, legal action was promptly initiated against the perpetrator.

Throughout the ordeal, the safety and well-being of visitors and the surrounding community remained a top priority. Comprehensive safety checks were conducted not only within Shaniwarwada but also along nearby roads and footpaths to guarantee the security of the area before allowing visitors to return.

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