Pune, a city known for its vibrant culture and political landscape, is gearing up for the upcoming civic elections. The Shiv Sena (BT) has announced its plans to contest 35-40 seats in the elections, with a focus on seats previously held by the Eknath Shinde-led faction.

In a press meet held by the party’s City Unit President Nana Bhangire, it was revealed that the Shiv Sena (BT) candidates will be vying for seats that were won by the party in the 2017 civic polls. This move is likely to spark tensions between the Shiv Sena (BT) and the BJP, especially given the claim to seats that were later won by a party corporator who joined the BJP.

The Eknath Shinde-led faction also held a press conference to discuss their preparations for the upcoming elections, with the party’s district Joint Contact Head Ajay Bhosale and women office-bearers in attendance. Bhangire emphasized the party’s focus on voter registration and contact drives, as well as the eagerness of members from other political parties to join the Shiv Sena (BT).

With the party’s determination to reclaim seats previously held under the bow and arrow symbol, the stage is set for a competitive and dynamic civic election season in Pune. Stay tuned for more updates on the unfolding political drama in the city.

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