Shocking incident unfolds in a school in Daund taluka of Pune district as a Class 7 student allegedly offered Rs 100 to another student to rape and murder his classmate. The police have taken action against the school’s principal and two teachers for trying to suppress the matter.

It all began when the accused student forged his parents’ signature on a progress report, which caught the attention of the victim, a girl from his class. The girl reported this to her teachers, which angered the boy. In retaliation, he approached a student from a different class and offered him money to carry out the horrific act. The student then informed the victim about the plan, leading her to tell her family about the situation.

When the victim’s family approached the school authorities to address the issue, including the principal and teachers, they allegedly attempted to cover up the incident by making false accusations against the girl. As a result, the victim’s parents decided to involve the police.

The Daund Police have taken action against the principal and two teachers for their involvement in trying to suppress the incident. The accused student will face further proceedings before the Juvenile Justice Board. Investigations into the matter are currently ongoing.

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