The annual palkhi procession in Pune received a heartwarming gesture from the Shrimant Bhausaheb Rangari Ganpati Trust as they provided food to the warkaris staying in the city. This tradition has been a part of the Trust’s annual rituals and this year was no different.
The arrival of the Sant Shrestha Shri Dnyaneshwar Mauli and Jagadguru Santshri Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi procession on Monday was met with great enthusiasm by the Puneites. The city was filled with a sense of devotion as the warkaris made their way through the streets.
Various social and business organizations, along with associations, also came forward to serve the pilgrims in different ways. The Shrimant Bhausaheb Rangari Ganpati Trust took the initiative to arrange food for the warkaris near temples, with the help of many devotees who volunteered to assist in serving the meals.
Dr Kailas Jawade, a liver transplant specialist, and his team provided free medical care and foot massages for the pilgrims. They ensured that necessary medicines were made available to the warkaris who were part of the palkhi procession.
In a statement, Punit Balan, Trustee and Head of Celebrations at the Shrimant Bhausaheb Rangari Ganpati Trust, expressed gratitude for being able to contribute to the Pandharpur Wari tradition in Maharashtra. He emphasized the importance of providing support to the warkaris who embody devotion to Shri Vitthal.
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