Hey there Pune peeps, have you heard about the recent incident on NIBM Road? A speeding car decided to play bumper cars with a parked bike belonging to a milk supplier. Ouch! The owner of the bike, Sohel Shafik Shaikh, wasn’t too pleased and filed a complaint at Kondhwa Police Station.

The police didn’t waste any time and registered a case under IPC Section 281 and relevant sections of the Motor Vehicles Act. They even managed to track down the driver of the car, Kshitij Rakesh Mangla. Apparently, he claims he lost control while trying to avoid a pothole near a manhole. Talk about bad luck!

The authorities are digging deeper into the matter, so stay tuned for updates on this wild ride of an incident. And remember folks, always keep an eye out for those pesky potholes on the road! #Puneincident #speedingcar #NIBMRoadaccident #milksupplierbike #Kondhwapolice 🚗🛵🚓

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