The Maharashtra state cabinet is gearing up for the upcoming Assembly elections by making some big decisions. In a recent meeting, the government gave the green light to two new Pune Metro lines, which are set to boost the city’s public transport system. The approved routes include the Khadakwasla-Swargate-Hadapsar-Kharadi line and the Nalstop-Dahanukar Colony-Warje-Manikbagh line. With a total budget of ₹9,897 crore, these new metro routes will cover a distance of 31.63 kilometers and include 28 stations. This move aims to improve traffic flow and efficiency in Pune, making it easier for residents to get around the city. The Khadakwasla-Kharadi route will pass through various key locations such as Dalviwadi, Nanded City, and Dandekar Bridge, while the Nalstop-Warje line will serve areas like Karve Putala, Karvenagar, and Daulat Nagar. Pune MP and Union Minister Muralidhar Mohol took to social media to thank Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, and Ajit Pawar for their support in improving public transport in Pune. As the state gears up for the assembly elections, these new metro projects demonstrate a commitment to enhancing Pune’s infrastructure to meet the needs of its growing population.

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