The tragic accident involving an unregistered Porsche car in Pune has sparked a heated debate in the Maharashtra legislative assembly. Opposition leader Vijay Wadettiwar questioned the government about how the vehicle was able to operate without a registration plate for six months, leading to the unfortunate deaths of two individuals in Kalyani Nagar on May 19.
Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis responded by explaining that the car owner had completed the registration formalities but had failed to pay the necessary RTO tax, resulting in the vehicle being driven illegally. Cases have been filed against the owner under IPC Sections 420 and 467 for cheating and forgery. Fadnavis assured the assembly that an investigation would be carried out to determine if any RTO officials were involved in negligence or misconduct in this case, with appropriate action to be taken if necessary.
The Pune RTO revealed that the registration of the Porsche Taycan had been pending since March due to the owner’s failure to pay a Rs 1,758 fee. Despite paying Rs 45,000 for a chosen number plate, the registration process remained incomplete. The registration fee for the Porsche Taycan included various charges, with road tax exempt for electric vehicles registered in Maharashtra.
This incident highlights the importance of adhering to vehicle registration regulations and the consequences of driving without proper documentation. The government’s promise to investigate the matter further shows a commitment to ensuring accountability and preventing similar incidents in the future.
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