The Vaikunth crematorium in Pune has recently come under scrutiny after a viral video showed stray dogs scavenging on partially burnt remains, sparking outrage and raising questions about the facility’s security and hygiene standards. Social activist Abhijit Baravkar has filed a complaint with the Pune Municipal Corporation, demanding action. However, PMC officials have denied the allegations, stating that the dogs were seen carrying pieces of bread, not human remains. This contradictory response has led to speculation and calls for immediate action to address the stray dog issue in the area.
The incident occurred when a group of citizens visited the crematorium for a relative’s last rites and witnessed stray dogs near a pyre. Concerned by the situation, they contacted Baravkar and attempted to chase the dogs away, capturing the incident on video. The footage quickly went viral, leading to public outrage.
Despite senior PMC officials claiming that the dogs were carrying bread, not human remains, citizens are demanding stricter measures to manage stray animals and maintain the sanctity of the crematorium. The blame has been shifted between PMC’s Health and Electrical Departments, with the Electrical Department stating that overall facility management falls under the Health Department’s jurisdiction.
Citizens and activists are calling for a thorough investigation and immediate steps to enhance security and hygiene at the crematorium in light of the viral video. The incident has sparked concerns and demands for concrete actions to be taken.
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