Pune was abuzz with political news today as Baramati MP Supriya Sule spoke to the press about various issues affecting the region. From the allocation of a Union Ministry to Murlidhar Mohol to Sunil Tatkare being overlooked for a ministerial position, and Yugendra Pawar possibly becoming an MLA, there was a lot to discuss.
Sule made it clear that any advantage gained from the Union Ministry should benefit Pune and not just contractors. She also refused to comment on Sunil Tatkare’s situation, stating that it was not her place to interfere in someone else’s affairs.
When asked about Yugendra Pawar’s potential role as an MLA, Sule mentioned that she was not aware of any discussions as she had been in Delhi at the time. However, she did highlight the recent meeting in Delhi where the party discussed its roadmap for the next 25 years, focusing on strengthening its presence in the state and country.
Sule praised the party activists and voters for their support and commitment, especially in rejecting the idea of ’50 Khokhe’ and not succumbing to monetary power from other parties. She also expressed her confidence in Ravindra Dhangekar’s re-election as an MLA and emphasized the importance of countering injustice through good work.
Addressing the current state of Pune, Sule pointed out the lack of effective administration and government negligence leading to tarnishing the city’s reputation. She stressed the need for the NCP to oppose crime and ensure that investments in Pune benefit the city without causing job losses.
Regarding banners calling for the merger of two NCPs, Sule dismissed them as not governing the country and instead focused on addressing issues like drought, crime, and preparing for the upcoming Vidhan Sabha elections. She also expressed condolences for the tragic incident in Jammu and hoped for peace for those affected, noting the irony of a terrorist attack during the Prime Minister’s oath-taking ceremony.
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