Talegaon Dabhade was rocked by scandal today as the CEO of the Nagar Parishad, NK Patil, was suspended for allegations of drunk driving and inappropriate behavior towards female staff members. Anirudh Jewalikar, Deputy Secretary of the Maharashtra State Department of Urban Development, took decisive action by issuing the suspension order.
The incident occurred on the 1st of June when NK Patil was driving under the influence of alcohol and caused a collision with two vehicles in town. Instead of facing the consequences, he fled the scene, prompting a police investigation and later confirming his intoxication through forensic testing.
In addition to the drunk driving charges, reports surfaced of NK Patil’s offensive and indecent behavior towards women officers and employees of the Nagar Parishad. The Pune District Collector and Joint Commissioner of the Urban Development Department addressed these concerns in their report to the Maharashtra State Government.
As a result of these serious allegations, NK Patil has been suspended indefinitely pending further investigation. This shocking turn of events has sent shockwaves through the community and raised questions about the behavior of those in positions of power. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.
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