The Sahakar Nagar Police have made a major breakthrough in the case of the stabbing of a senior citizen in Pune. Three individuals have been arrested in connection with the attack, which was believed to be motivated by suspicions of witchcraft.

The accused, identified as Sagar Satish Kumbhar, Tauras Balu Karle, and Sagar Shashikant Sonar, allegedly planned and carried out the attack on Sonu Pandu Hode, a 67-year-old resident of Padmavati Nagar. Hode suffered serious injuries in the incident and has been undergoing treatment.

The Sahakar Nagar Police’s Detection Branch played a crucial role in apprehending the suspects. Following a tip-off about Sagar Kumbhar’s whereabouts, he was detained and later confessed to his involvement in the attack. Kumbhar claimed that he was acting on the orders of Sagar Sonar, who is also among those arrested.

The case has shocked the residents of Sahakar Nagar and raised concerns about superstition and violence in the community. The police are continuing their investigation to uncover the full extent of the motives behind the attack and ensure that justice is served for the victim.

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