With the Vijaystambh ceremony in Koregaon Bhima just around the corner, the Pune rural police are gearing up for a massive influx of attendees on January 1. To maintain order and ensure the safety of all participants, a whopping 4,800 police personnel will be deployed throughout the region. This announcement was made by Pune Rural Superintendent of Police Pankaj Deshmukh at a recent press conference.
The highly anticipated event, which draws followers from all corners of Maharashtra and beyond, will see an increased police presence and additional security measures. Deshmukh, alongside Additional Superintendent of Police Ramesh Chopde, revealed that a specialized team has been established to handle crowd control during the ceremony.
The comprehensive security plan includes 336 police officers, 3,080 police personnel, 1,500 Home Guard personnel, and 12 contingents of the State Reserve Police Force (SRPF). In addition, firefighters and emergency medical teams will be on standby, with disaster management resources ready to respond to any unforeseen incidents.
To accommodate the large number of attendees, adequate parking facilities and transportation options have been arranged. A 23-acre parking area has been designated along Chakan Road for vehicle parking, with buses available to shuttle followers to and from the Vijaystambh site.
For those arriving from the Nagar Road area, a 59-acre parking space at Shikrapur (Wakf Board) can accommodate up to 8,000 vehicles. Similarly, a 23-acre parking area on Chakan Road has been set aside for vehicles coming from the Mumbai-Thane region, with space for 4,800 vehicles.
Special parking arrangements have also been made for PMPML buses at Bajrangwadi in Shikrapur, with buses transporting attendees to Vadhu Budruk and back. The entire Koregaon Bhima area will be closely monitored by the extensive security personnel to ensure a safe and orderly event.
With a strong focus on crowd management and attendee safety, the authorities are leaving no stone unturned to make the Vijaystambh ceremony a successful and secure event for all.
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