Pune was hit hard with heavy rainfall today, particularly in the Wadgaonsheri area which saw a staggering 114.5 mm of rain in just a few hours, as per the Indian Meteorological Department. This caused widespread waterlogging in low-lying areas, disrupting daily life for many residents.
The Alpha Society in Kalyani Nagar and Esterlia Society in Khese Park, Lohgaon were among the worst affected, with residents blaming the Pune Municipal Corporation for not maintaining stormwater drainage systems properly. Dr. Anupam Kashyapi, a former IMD weather forecasting expert, described the rainfall as extremely intense, almost reaching cloudburst levels.
Flash floods and poor visibility were reported in several areas, including Dhanori, Padmavati, Pune-Satara Road, and Kalyani Nagar. A Jaguar car even got stuck in the underpass between Kalyani Nagar and Viman Nagar due to the rising water levels. It’s clear that the city’s drainage infrastructure is not equipped to handle such heavy rainfall, with many areas lacking proper pathways for water to drain.
Rainfall measurements showed varying levels across Pune, with Magarpatta receiving 23.0 mm, Koregaon Park getting 22.5 mm, NDA recording 4.5 mm, and Wadgaonsheri experiencing the highest at 114.5 mm. Residents are advised to stay cautious and keep an eye on weather updates in the coming days.
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