With the Bhima Koregaon Vijay Divas just around the corner, the authorities in Pune are leaving no stone unturned to ensure a hassle-free experience for all attendees. The new traffic management plan, which diverts vehicles from Mumbai to Dehu Road route, is expected to ease the congestion and make the journey more convenient.

The decision to divert vehicles to Perne for parking shows a proactive approach by the authorities in addressing the challenges faced during previous events. By taking into account the feedback from locals and implementing changes accordingly, the administration is demonstrating its commitment to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for all participants.

As preparations continue and coordination between enforcement agencies progresses, all eyes are on the upcoming Bhima Koregaon Vijay Divas. With the new route plan in place, attendees can look forward to a seamless journey and a memorable celebration of this historic event.

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