Heartbreaking news has emerged from Bopkhel in Pune, where a three-year-old girl tragically lost her life after an iron gate collapsed on her. The incident, which took place in the Bopkhel area of Pimpri Chinchwad, has left the community in shock.
The young girl, identified as Girija Shinde, was playing with her friends on July 31 when the unfortunate accident occurred. As Girija was running with her doll, a gate being used by a boy playing with her gave way and fell on her.
Witnessing the horrifying incident, the other children playing with Girija quickly ran to their homes to inform their parents. The parents rushed to the scene and were able to remove the gate from Girija’s body before rushing her to a nearby hospital for medical attention.
Tragically, despite the efforts of medical professionals, Girija was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital. The entire neighborhood is in mourning over the loss of the young girl, whose innocence was taken away in a tragic accident.
CCTV footage of the incident has surfaced, shedding light on the events that led to Girija’s untimely death. The authorities have been informed, and the community is coming together to support Girija’s family during this difficult time.
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