Heart-wrenching tragedy struck near Bhigwan on the Pune-Solapur National Highway as a speeding car lost control and overturned, claiming the lives of five individuals from Telangana. The group of six friends, on a tourism trip in Maharashtra, met with a fatal accident when their vehicle overturned multiple times after skidding on a slope in the Indapur taluka area. One of the friends, Syed Ismail Amir, sustained serious injuries and is currently receiving treatment in Bhigwan.
The deceased have been identified as Rafiq Qureshi, Irfan Patel, Mehboob Qureshi, Feroze Qureshi, and Feroze Qureshi, all residents of Narayankhed in the Medak district of Telangana. The driver lost control of the vehicle amidst heavy rain, leading to the tragic incident. Police authorities, including Assistant Police Inspector Vinod Mahangde and sub-inspector Mahesh Kupevad, arrived at the scene promptly but were unable to save the five victims who had already succumbed to their injuries.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of the victims during this difficult time. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
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