It was a harrowing day in Pune yesterday as two individuals fell victim to the strong currents of the Ambil Odha and Mutha River. The first incident occurred near Lake Town Housing Society in the Bibwewadi area, where a young man, identified as Akshay Sanjay Salunke, was swept away while inspecting the water. Despite the efforts of the fire brigade personnel, Akshay remains missing.
In a separate incident near the Ashtabhuja Durga Devi Temple in Narayan Peth, another person, estimated to be around 50 years old, was swept away while attempting to swim in the Mutha Riverbed. Search operations were conducted, but unfortunately, no trace of the individual was found.
The incidents serve as a sobering reminder of the dangers posed by natural water bodies, especially during the monsoon season. Authorities urge residents to exercise caution and avoid venturing into water bodies with unpredictable currents to prevent such tragic incidents in the future. Stay safe, Pune.
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