Tragedy struck on the Pune-Nashik highway near Narayangaon as a road accident claimed the lives of nine individuals. The incident involved a truck colliding with a min van from behind, causing it to crash into a stationary bus ahead. Pune Rural Superintendent of Police, Pankaj Deshmukh, shared details of the accident, highlighting the severity of the situation.
Upon learning of the heartbreaking news, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis took to social media to express his condolences and announce financial aid for the families of the deceased. In a heartfelt statement, Fadnavis mourned the loss of the nine individuals and extended his support to their loved ones. He also pledged Rs 5 lakh in financial assistance from the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund to help the families cope with their loss.
Among the deceased were individuals with unique stories and aspirations. Manisha Pacharne, a dedicated primary school teacher, was on her way to school when the accident occurred. Yuvraj Vavhal, a 23-year-old student preparing for competitive exams, had dreams of a promising future ahead of him.
As investigations continue to uncover the circumstances leading to the accident, authorities are focused on providing medical care to the injured individuals. The community mourns the loss of these nine lives and stands in solidarity with their families during this difficult time.
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