Tragedy struck in Yerwada on Thursday morning when a fatal accident took the life of a two-wheeler driver. Deepak Keshav Bhatevara, a 40-year-old resident of Lohgaon, Pune, was killed instantly in a collision with a dumper at Golf Chowk.

The incident occurred at around 7:30 a.m. as the dumper was speeding towards Pune-Ahmednagar Road from Loop Road. The impact of the crash caused Bhatevara to be run over by the dumper, resulting in his immediate death.

The driver of the dumper, Bhima Tukaram Kattamani, 31, from Wagholi, Pune, has been taken into police custody for further investigation.

Local residents and authorities are expressing their concerns over the reckless driving behavior of heavy vehicles, which often disregard traffic rules. This incident has shed light on the ongoing issues with traffic management and the erratic timing of private passenger buses, leading to frequent accidents and traffic jams.

Calls for stricter enforcement of traffic laws for heavy vehicles and improved scheduling for luxury buses are growing among citizens. They are urging the police and local government to take permanent action to address these safety issues and prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.

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