In a tragic incident in Pune, two beat marshals from the Khadki Police Station, Samadhan Koli and Sanjog Shinde, were hit by a four-wheeler on Sunday night. Koli lost his life on the spot, while Shinde sustained serious injuries. The driver responsible for the hit-and-run has been apprehended.
Prior to the accident, the two policemen were on patrol when they noticed an 11-year-old girl waiting at a bus stop in Khadki. They promptly contacted the girl’s parents after obtaining their phone number and address. After confirming the parents’ identities at the scene, they safely reunited the girl with her family. The heartwarming gesture was shared with their police WhatsApp group in a photo with the girl.
Tragically, on their way to Bopodi through Khadki Bazar, the officers’ bike was struck by the four-wheeler, resulting in Koli’s untimely death and Shinde’s serious injuries.
The incident serves as a reminder of the risks that law enforcement officials face while carrying out their duties to protect and serve the community.
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