Pune witnessed a tragic incident on Wednesday morning when a speeding container truck caused a fatal accident on the Pune-Mumbai Highway. The truck driver, in an attempt to avoid hitting a school bus, veered onto the service road and collided with multiple vehicles and stalls at the bus stop near Matoshree Hospital.
The accident resulted in the death of a woman identified as Lata Ranjit Jadhav, while four others, including three school children, sustained injuries. The injured victims, Sandip Zalte, Srushti Bhatekar, Maitreya Bhavar, and Mrunal Bhavar, were rushed to nearby hospitals for treatment.
Eyewitnesses reported that the container truck swerved off the road while trying to avoid the school bus, causing extensive damage to the vehicles and stalls in its path. The woman at the bus stop was tragically crushed to death, while the injured victims were attended to by emergency services.
Following the incident, local residents have raised concerns about the safety of the crossroad, which has been a frequent site of accidents involving pedestrians. Calls have been made for authorities such as MSRDC and IRB to take immediate action to prevent further accidents and ensure the safety of commuters in the area.
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