Tragedy struck near Waterfall Point in Tamhini Ghat as a bus carrying wedding guests from Chakan to Veerwadi overturned, claiming the lives of five passengers and leaving several others seriously injured. The rescue teams worked tirelessly to recover the bodies of three women and two men, with two passengers still trapped inside the wreckage. The death toll is expected to rise as 12 to 13 people are in critical condition.

Mangaon Police Inspector Nivrutti Borade and his team quickly responded to the distress call, along with ambulances providing immediate medical aid to the injured. The injured were rushed to the sub-district hospital in Mangaon for treatment. The cause of the accident is still unknown, but the treacherous conditions of Tamhini Ghat, especially during the monsoon season, have been known to contribute to accidents.

Authorities have promised to investigate the cause of the accident and implement measures to prevent further tragedies in the area. The incidents at Tamhini Ghat have raised concerns about road maintenance and safety measures, emphasizing the need for improved infrastructure to protect travelers on this dangerous route.

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