Another tragic incident of drowning has occurred in Pune, adding to the list of such incidents during the monsoon season. This time, a college student lost his life at Kasarsai Dam, identified as Sarang Ramchandra Dolse, aged 19.
Apparently, Sarang and four of his friends decided to skip their college lectures and head to the dam for some fun. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse when Sarang ventured into deeper waters and began drowning. His friends immediately sought help, leading to the involvement of the local police, wildlife guard, and a rescue team from Lonavala.
Despite efforts to save him, Sarang could not be rescued in time and was declared dead at the scene. His parents were informed of the tragic incident by the authorities, leaving the community in mourning.
This incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers associated with water bodies during the monsoon season, urging everyone to prioritize safety above all else.
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