The Kothrud community was left in shock after 18-year-old student Viraj Phad was tragically found dead in a deep valley near Tamhini Ghat. Viraj, who had been missing for five days, had left his home for a solo bike ride but never returned. His family reported him missing, sparking a search operation that ultimately led to the discovery of his body.
According to Senior Inspector Sandeep Deshmane, Viraj had told his parents he was going to cricket class but instead rode his bike to the Tamhini Ghat area. Clues, including his abandoned shoes and bag, were found near the Devkund waterfall, leading rescuers to his location. Drone footage played a crucial role in identifying Viraj’s whereabouts, and a team of rescuers managed to retrieve his decomposed body from the valley after a six-hour operation.
Viraj, a talented cricket player, had recently shared news of his selection for a major cricket league with his family. His unexpected journey to Tamhini Ghat remains a mystery, as police work to piece together the events leading to his tragic death. The community mourns the loss of a young life filled with promise and potential.
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